How to Lose Weight – All About Healthy Weight Loss

May 20, 2020 | Weight Loss | 0 comments

When it comes to healthy weight loss, many people often pay more attention to fad diets and trends instead of other options that are actually beneficial for them in the long run. What this has led to is a lot of misunderstanding around weight loss. People who approach weight loss poorly also tend to end up causing harm to their metabolism. In severe cases, people develop eating disorders like binge eating or even bulimia.

This is why at Omalza Fitness, we stress more on healthy weight loss. You need to focus on the healthy aspect rather than just the weight loss. Unfortunately, this pushes people to the other end of the spectrum. They often believe that if they aren’t following fad diets, then they should be exercising like crazy to shed the weight

Unhealthy Weight Loss – The Biggest Loser

However, just like fad diets are bad for you, when you are new to working out, exercising constantly is also not good. Healthy weight loss cannot be achieved just by exercising as hard as possible. Beginners who work out for 5 days a week actually increase their chances of causing lasting injuries.

You can see examples of this in the show, “The Biggest Loser.” In theory, the premise of the show sounds simple and very effective. Someone just has to lose the most weight in a set amount of time. However, when applied practically, it didn’t turn out to be all that it was made out to be.

Many contestants faced injuries because of the intense workout regimes they underwent. Some workouts even lasted for 5 to 8 hours per day. The show producers also didn’t have proper diet plans and the contestants were often forced to fast since they were fed less than 1,000 calories per day. The chance of developing injuries was high but hey, they lost weight right?

Unfortunately, it was revealed that often the winner would gain back double the weight they lost. Why? Because the main focus of the show wasn’t on healthy weight loss. It was just on weight loss in general. The contestants put their bodies through extreme amounts of stress to lose weight and often caused injuries to their feet, knees or back.

If you take the same approach, you could be causing your body the same harm and hampering any progress that you might make. Weight loss should always be healthy because when done in this manner, it ensures that the weight stays off and you don’t cause any injury to your body or your mental health. Weight loss in this manner also doesn’t end up bouncing back.

 Focusing on Healthy Weight Loss – Eating Right

Healthy weight loss is a better option because it ensures that while you lose weight, your body is getting healthier. You don’t end up causing harm to your musculoskeletal system. Additionally, you make sure that your mobility improves, your stamina gets better, and your appetite remains healthy.

In this manner, you may even be eating more, but as long as you’re working out properly to burn up the calories, your body will continue to burn fat and shed unwanted pounds. You will be happy to know that focusing on weight loss in a healthy manner is actually very easy. We’re going to help make things simpler by breaking things down into easy steps.

The following are some ways that you can start your journey into healthy weight loss:

Never Skip Breakfast

Most people tend to skip breakfast because they don’t have the time or don’t feel hungry. However, breakfast tends to be one of the most important meals of the day. It’s the first meal you eat after fasting for 8 to 12 hours when you’re sleeping.

A good breakfast is needed. Otherwise, you are more prone to snacking and feeling ravenous by lunchtime. Additionally, when we’re feeling hungry, our body naturally craves high carbs and junk foods.

never skip breakfast Omalza Fitness

Start Your Day with High Protein

When eating breakfast, make sure that you have a high protein one. Data has shown that starting your day with a higher protein breakfast will keep you feeling satiated throughout the day. It also lowers your cravings and ensures that your caloric intake will not be unhealthy.

If you do feel hungry, opt for snacks like fruits and vegetables or raw nuts . Healthy alternatives to junk foods can also mean that you’re not eating empty calories.

Cut Down on Sugar in Drinks and Juices

One of the major areas where you need to cut down your sugar intake is in your drinks. People usually tend to consume a lot of drinks throughout the day. However, carbonated sodas and other fizzy drinks are packed with sugar. In fact, drinking one can of a soda is often said to contain seven teaspoons of sugar.

Additionally, don’t turn to fruit juices as a healthy alternative. Whether they are organically sourced or not, fruit juices are high in sugar and have low nutritional value. It’s more beneficial to just stick to water.

Drink Water before Each Meal

Make sure to drink eight ounces of water at least 30 minutes before you sit down to eat. Often times, the body interprets being dehydrated as being hungry. By drinking water, you can ensure that you aren’t overeating. You will see that your body will feel more satiated.

Data has also shown that just by raising their water consumption, people have been able to facilitate healthy weight loss. Weight loss was increased by 44% within a period of 3 months in people who tried this method.

Pick Your Food Items Carefully

You should also pick the food items you choose carefully. Some naturally aid the body to lose weight while nourishing it as well. Items such as whole eggs, salmon, leafy greens and lean meats are high in essential amino acids, fatty acids, and proteins. They are also low in processed carbs, sugars, and fats.

By incorporating such healthy foods into your diet, and through moderate exercises, you can facilitate weight loss in a healthy and consistent manner.

Get Enough Soluble Fiber

When eating, you should pick foods that are high in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is easily digested by the body and it also keeps you satiated for longer. That’s why it is a good idea to eat fruits with their skin on as well as take supplements such as glucomannan.

Getting enough fiber in one’s diet is known to help reduce fat build up around the belly. The fiber in the diet also improves the health of your digestive system and your intestines.

Drink Tea or Coffee

It is a good idea to consume some green tea or some coffee. Data can be found that shows that caffeine helps your body’s metabolism burn up fats. However, remember to practice moderation here, especially if you add sugar into them.

Black coffee and plain green tea can be beneficial, but if you drink sugary confections like the choices offered at Starbucks, you might not see any of the benefits. The sugar content will be too high and negate the effects of the caffeine.

Opt for Organic Food

When shopping for ingredients for your food, opt for organically grown, non-GMO processed foods. Organically grown vegetables and organic meats are actually healthier for your body because of the low exposure to pollutants. They are free of pesticides or harmful hormones and additives.

Moreover, whole foods are going to be more filling, have less empty calories and meet your daily nutritional needs with ease.

Take Your Time When Eating

If you’re always eating in a hurry, it’s time to stop and savor each bite. Research has highlighted that slow eaters are able to work with their body’s metabolism to break down the food they eat. Fast eaters are actually more prone to gain weight.

Eating slowly will also make you feel full for longer, which means that you won’t start craving a snack immediately after eating your meal.

Keep a Weight Journal

Most people tend to avoid their scale when they’re on their weight loss journey. However, you need to weigh yourself in order to track your progress. This also shows you if you’re shedding the pounds in a healthy manner or if it is happening abnormally.

You should make sure to weigh yourself and note the weight weekly. Research also suggests that people who weigh themselves have more success in maintaining a healthy weight.

Working Out for Healthy Weight Loss

working out for healthy weight loss


Apart from eating right, you also need to be working out in the proper manner while also focusing on proper recovery. Working out improperly will not only make it difficult to lose weight, but there is a higher chance of injuring yourself.

The following are things that you need to pay attention to when you are working out for healthy weight loss:

Have a Light Routine

Always start small and work your way up when you’re working out. If you were once at an intermediate level but haven’t worked out in years, consider yourself a beginner and start again. Pay attention to warm-ups and cool-downs and make sure that you’re applying a progressive workout approach.

Progressive workouts mean that the workout regimen will slowly but surely increase in difficulty. It also allows your body to adjust to the routine and reduces the chances of getting an injury.

Work with a Personal Trainer

If you’re just starting out, it is a good idea to work with a personal trainer. They are able to work with you and design a healthy workout regimen that will benefit you the most. Remember that a trainer has years of experience, information, and the appropriate certifications.

They will ensure that you are able to achieve your fitness goals in a healthy manner. From learning proper form to understanding more about your metabolism and following a diet plan, your trainer will help simplify everything for you.

Be Patient with Yourself

The first thing you need to do for healthy weight loss is to forget about the deadline. Most people start out by telling themselves “I need to lose weight in 2 weeks or a month.” This already sets you up for failure. It didn’t take you a week or a month to put on 10 pounds. So, do not expect to shed them so easily either.

If you want to look slim or trim for a special day, you need to make sure that you start your healthy weight loss journey well in advance. Give yourself time to succeed. Otherwise, you’re just setting yourself up for failure. It will also demotivate you even more if you don’t successfully shed the excess weight within your given deadline.

Consistency is Important

Remember that even after a tough day, you shouldn’t skip your gym. It’s one of the major reasons why people end up with poor progress. Make sure that you’re hitting the gym 3 times a week and working out appropriately. Keep in mind that diet and exercise together can help you get the results you want.

Don’t take things overboard by working out 5 times a week when you are first getting started. It’s unhealthy and doesn’t give your body any time to recover. You’re also more likely to get less motivated and skip the gym more often.

Sleep Properly Each Night

One of the most important things which facilitates healthy weight loss is plenty of rest. If you’re not getting your 8 to 10 hours of beauty sleep, you won’t be able to lose weight. In fact, you might end up gaining a pound or two.

Poor sleep has been associated with higher weight gain and a greater risk of obesity. So, if you’re looking to lose weight, make sure you get enough sleep each night.

These are just some of the things you need to focus on when you are starting your healthy weight loss journey. By paying attention to these things, you can ensure that you don’t ruin your chances of success and experience healthy weight loss.

Join Us for Healthy Weight Loss

If you’re starting your journey into healthy weight loss, then let us help you out. At Omalza Fitness, we’re huge advocates of weight loss in a healthy and consistent manner. Our trainers are certified and have years of experience in the fitness industry.

Get in touch today for a consultation and discuss your weight loss plans with us!

About the Author


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